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Old Army's Blog

My Life and Opinions about life in Nevada & now Texas!!!

Location: Texas, United States

I am a Retired Army guy, who is old fashioned and progressive. You know a living oxymoron! My Favorite blogs: http://jetiranger.tripod.com/BLOG/ & http://www.usinkorea.org/

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

First Post

I am new to this Blogging phenomenon. I plan to write about things I find of interest. I currently live in northern Nevada in a rural area of the high desert. Nevada is not new to me as I grew up in the San Francisco area but it is a big change from the bible belt area of Oklahoma that I lived in prior to moving here. Aside from the legal gambling, prostitution is also legal. I find it interesting the many ways that people deal with the fact that it is here. Personally I do not see it as a big deal but there have been attempts to get rid of it. The reason it stays and will always be here is because it is part of the culture of this part of the country. When I first arrived here I read in the local paper about how the local brothel was being closed. Since then I have done a lot of internet searching at first to satisfy my curiosity and later to stay in touch with some of the interesting characters that inhabit the web sites that discuss the brothel industry. As with anything it takes all kinds and there is a wide variety on the web sites. You have the ladies trying to drum up a little business. Owners doing there best to promote their brothel, which is also interesting because it is illegal to advertise a brothel but they are getting around it. Then there are the gentlemen, prospective tricks, who are on the sites for a variety of reasons. Some are old timers sharing their experience and knowledge. There are the White Knights of the boards who are out to defend their favorite ladies and give them some free publicity. Then there are the rabble rousers, the Black Knights, who raise the BS flag when needed, and sometimes just post to cause a discussion or dissention just at their whim. There are also those who are a little of all and those that just watch and are entertained and sometimes educated. More to follow here are some links to get you on your way:
There are many more sites and you can find them referenced by some of the posters. Or just ask for an opinion, but becareful what you ask for ‘cause you will get it.


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