Company Loyalty
People wonder why we no longer work for the same company for 20-30 years. In an Articleon MSN the loss of health benefits after you retire and expect them is a big deal breaker. I retired from the Army and one of the things I expected was health coverage for life but when I become elligable for medicare that is gone. What is worse is what GM has done to those that worked for them for 30-40 years. Oh we cannot afford it so you pay it. That along with reducing retirement pensions and Social Security going away it is no wonder the younger generation has no trust of the companies & Unions and has no loyality to them. They just have to look at what they are doing to the current retirees to see what is in store for them. NOTHING! That is why they look for the highest paying job and make their own retirement plan. Ok I'm off my soap box.
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