I have not posted in a while but I was moved to write about pressure by this story. Many of us have been away from home and know the feelings of lonelyness that override the feeling of adventure. Those that keep the fear inside them it eats them up and in this case may have been a factor in pushing him over the edge. My son, who is in Korea at Camp Carroll, is also one of those introverted people and I worry about him. I know he has some friends (drinking buddies) but will not push out and try to discover new things unless pushed. Hopefully because he is in the Army they will help bring him out of his shell although the year in Iraq did help and damage that at the same time. I think he is lucky as he has internet & a phone in his room and unlike others he has family there as my sister in law lives out side of Seoul and my wife has several nephews but communication is not working well at the moment. For those of you who know people that are shy, be the friend they need and try to help them by being a friend but in the end it is their choice and life.