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Old Army's Blog

My Life and Opinions about life in Nevada & now Texas!!!

Location: Texas, United States

I am a Retired Army guy, who is old fashioned and progressive. You know a living oxymoron! My Favorite blogs: http://jetiranger.tripod.com/BLOG/ & http://www.usinkorea.org/

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

School Vouchers in Nevada?

Are school vouchers needed or fair? My question is that if you will give some parents vouchers to send their kids to private schools then are you giving vouchers to parents who are already sending them there? The ability to learn has some to do with the school environment, but the home environment and parental involvement is probably most important. If the child does not study at the public school, then what makes you think this habit will change at a private one. Read up on it, ask who it really benefits or could the money be better spent in the public system. I think you know my answer.

Monday, May 16, 2005


There is a unique opportunity here to replace most of the city council or afirm them. We shall see how many in the town actually care as there is a meet the candidates meeting tonight. Shame I have to work. To its credit, the local paper has been doing a good job covering the candidates but I think few, outside of those really involved in the community, realize how important this is for the growth and advancement of our little community. As we grow there will be a call for expanded services, police, fire, hospital, schools, local utilities, road maintenance ect…. I hope the people realize the importance of this as growth must be controlled or like a lawn let go we will be pulling weeds with no time to maintain the lawn. We must recruit business to come here that will provide a decent wage and a full time job, (Sorry that is not Wal-Mart). If we do not control our destiny, then it will be dictated to us by others who will control it for their good and not that of the community. End of rant!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Time to Trust a higher Source?

In the short time I have been in Nevada, since Nov 2003, I have come too really like the state and its people. I like my job and the people I work with but the problem finding a good home at a price I can afford is really making me have second thoughts about this being where I want to stay and retire.

I have put my resume back out there but not many people are willing to hire a retired Army guy with not much college and no paper certifications to back up my skills. Never had anyone regret having me work for them as I always find a way to contribute and try to stay current in my skills. Guess I am going to have to take a couple tests like CCNA and MCP to have something to show on my resume.

I am considering looking for work elsewhere and although this is close to my sisters in California and Oregon, my sons and many of our friends are in Texas and Oklahoma. My wife and I both miss our friends and sons a lot.

I hope beyond hope that the trend in the housing market here will reverse but I do not see that happening for several years. Ah such is life. We shall see what the Lord has in store for us. If we are meant to stay in Nevada or a job comes up in Texas Which ever happens I know it will be for the best, for all concerned.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Desperate home buyers

I find this an interesting commentary on the state of housing. It does hit the nail on the head especially here in Nevada and obviously Florida.

Everyone's looking for an edge in home bidding wars.

By Christian Science Monitor

A headshot and bio is standard protocol to get an audition for a TV show or a play. But are they really necessary to buy a house? They are in some neighborhoods of Los Angeles where, in addition to offering as much as $75,000 over the asking price, buyers are sending flowery bios, pictures, and letters to sellers. "I just oohed and ahhed my way from room to room," read one letter to Jane Centofante, who was selling her 2,000 square-foot home in Westwood, a tony L.A. suburb, for a cool $1.49 million. "I gather from your [house] that you are warm and smart and bring incredibly beautiful detail to your world," read another. Centofante was stuck -- deciding between the family who included a photo with their dog and the young screenwriter who wrote a flattering two-page letter -- when other events put the sale on hold.

Banks and insurerscheck your credit. So should you. Welcome to America's frothy real estate market, where in some places enthusiasm and excess have reached a point that, to many, seems eerily similar to the dotcom craze of the late 1990s. Of course, housing prices don't rise and fall like stock prices. They move more slowly and because of different dynamics. Still, it's hard to imagine the intensity of today's market continuing indefinitely, experts say. "There is a conceptual limit that we have gone beyond," says Susan Wachter, professor of real estate and finance at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. "And we are more vulnerable to price volatility. But complicating the issue is that there is no simple measure of a bubble."Instead, there are anecdotes that would have seemed unbelievable 10 years ago. For example:
*Bidding wars in California are forcing real estate agents to write recommendations on behalf of their clients who are attempting to buy a new home.

*Real estate trade groups in Massachusetts are calling on state officials to approve more housing construction to improve prospects for buyers.

*Retirees moving to Florida are living in hotels for weeks and even months at a time as they scour the state in search of affordable places to live.

Most baffling to economists, and even those who reject the notion of a bubble, is that the supply of homes for sale continues to dwindle in places like Florida, southern California, and Massachusetts. Thus, there is no clear sign that the real estate market has peaked. All of these places experienced double-digit increases in home prices throughout 2004, some repeating their cloud-piercing performance for the third consecutive year. Big gain in one yearIn February, the median price of a home in Florida rose 25% to $201,400 when compared with the same month a year ago. The West Palm Beach-Boca Raton area of the state continues to register the biggest leaps in home prices, climbing as high as 34% in the fourth quarter of 2004. Multiple bids keep coming through, says Marilyn Jacobs, who sells homes in Boca. And more often than not, her sellers are rejecting a lot of people. "They've had to kiss a lot of frogs before they find their prince," says Jacobson, a native New Yorker. "But those other frogs will find their palaces, too. There are still plenty of opportunities. "Not so in Massachusetts. The state has seen a precipitous drop in housing construction, keeping demand taut and prices aloft. The conditions have worsened in three years, evoking a theme akin to the late 1980s.At that time, housing prices throughout Massachusetts were appreciating rapidly and they didn't correlate with the annual rent a house could command -- a relationship economists scrutinize to detect a bubble. The result: a real estate recession that knocked prices down and drove investors away from the housing market.Despite the evidence, "I don't believe there is a bubble right now,'' says Maggie Tomkiewicz, president of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors, who argues that today's supply-and-demand conditions don't contribute to a real estate bubble. Interest rates were also trending downward in the late 1980s. Effect of interest rates But economists today are forecasting that interest rates will rise, a notable characteristic of a cooling trend for the real estate market. The danger is that until interest rates rise, home buyers will continue to snap up real estate they can't even afford. Zero percent down and 100% financing are influencing many homeowners to live beyond their means. "It's like you have all of these people driving around in fancy cars and drinking expensive wine because they feel rich,'' says Christopher Thornberg, a senior economist with the University of California at Los Angeles Anderson Forecast. "The problem is there is all of this money floating around and something has to break.''Thornberg's prognosis: "The whole U.S. is in a bubble right now. And it could go on for another year. ''Or burst in the next six months, according to Harvey Dent Jr., author of "The Next Great Bubble Boom." He bases his prediction on a recent estimate from the National Association of Realtors that 23% of last year's home sales were second homes purchased by investors. That made sense when real estate proved a better investment than poor performing stocks. But as interest rates rise, Dent says, they will push investors out of real estate and back into stocks or bonds. "That's why I'm renting an apartment in Miami Beach," Dent says. "I don't want to get stuck owning some overvalued piece of property."Delay in the deal Unfortunately, Jane Centofante has yet to sell her home in Los Angeles. An inspector found traces of creosote -- a mixture of potentially toxic chemicals -- throughout her home. Since the finding, she has lost four potential buyers during escrow, that critical period of time when a buyer and seller work out the money and other requests when transferring ownership of a home. "I'm ready to sell. And I want to sell. But now I can't," says Centofante, who hopes to have the creosote problem remedied before the market sours.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Next phase of U.S. 50 widening coming

I guess this is in anticipation of the people that are going to be swarming to buy the $250,000 - $400,000 houses that are being built here. In this article it states “Traffic studies have shown about 10,000 cars a day coming into Fallon at Leeteville Junction. That is up from about 6,600 in 1994. The study estimates Churchill County's population will jump to 38,000 by 2010 and to 50,000 by 2020, bringing more vehicles.”
Population for Churchill County increased from 17,938 in 1990 to 23,982 in 2000 another report has it estimated at 26,247. My question on this is what jobs are being created to support the increased population estimates or is this increase in population coming from 10-34,000 supposed California retirees that want to live here in Churchill County. If the population is to increase that much then we need to in crease all of the services that will be provided not just a bigger road. The hospital will have to be increased in size along with other similar types of services. Is there a plan to expand city services? Water, sanitation, police/sheriff & fire departments will all need to be expanded. With the influx of retirees will that affect the property taxes of those who already own homes like it has those in Washoe Valley. There is an election for City Counsel up coming but I hear nothing from the current candidates on this subject. I guess they will just wait till the last minute and pay through the nose for it instead of using foresight and planning. I may be incorrect on this and it may have been discussed but I do not think the general population of the county knows of it. Ok I am done ranting till next time.