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Old Army's Blog

My Life and Opinions about life in Nevada & now Texas!!!

Location: Texas, United States

I am a Retired Army guy, who is old fashioned and progressive. You know a living oxymoron! My Favorite blogs: http://jetiranger.tripod.com/BLOG/ & http://www.usinkorea.org/

Monday, May 16, 2005


There is a unique opportunity here to replace most of the city council or afirm them. We shall see how many in the town actually care as there is a meet the candidates meeting tonight. Shame I have to work. To its credit, the local paper has been doing a good job covering the candidates but I think few, outside of those really involved in the community, realize how important this is for the growth and advancement of our little community. As we grow there will be a call for expanded services, police, fire, hospital, schools, local utilities, road maintenance ect…. I hope the people realize the importance of this as growth must be controlled or like a lawn let go we will be pulling weeds with no time to maintain the lawn. We must recruit business to come here that will provide a decent wage and a full time job, (Sorry that is not Wal-Mart). If we do not control our destiny, then it will be dictated to us by others who will control it for their good and not that of the community. End of rant!


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