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Old Army's Blog

My Life and Opinions about life in Nevada & now Texas!!!

Location: Texas, United States

I am a Retired Army guy, who is old fashioned and progressive. You know a living oxymoron! My Favorite blogs: http://jetiranger.tripod.com/BLOG/ & http://www.usinkorea.org/

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Army Then & Now

Here is a good link to a slide show of Camp Carroll Pictures

I was thinking about when I was at Camp Carroll where my son is stationed and how much it and the Army has changed since I was last there almost 30 years ago. The village outside the back gate has not changed that much but the Camp has almost all new buildings a new gym and a commisary.

Barracks my son lives in.

Overview of the 16th MEDLOG HQ & A Co barracks.
Waegwan, S. Korea.

Barracks I use to live in

I wish my room was this good I lived with 4 guys in a room on metal frame bed with thin mattress Bathroom was community in another building. This is Luxury

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

He Has arrived

If you click on the main link you will see some pictures of where he is. This is the place where I meet my wife on my first tour. All the old buildings that were there when I was there are gone they have nice rooms real beds sure must be nice. He is still inprocessing he is not sure he will stay at Camp Carroll as he is assigned to a medical unit and he is a machinest. I guess if they have the equipment he could make some of the parts that they need. here is another good link

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gas Prices

Well Dallas Fort Worth, I have found a sure way to increase your gas milage


I have tried it for a week and have saved a 1/4 tank of gas. I guess that some people just do not care, 10-20 mph over the posted speed, weaving in and out of traffic talking on the cell or worse driving 80 and putting on lipstick in the mirror and almost running a semi off the road. What is up with that? Where is the Highway patrol or police presence on the highways. I am not perfect in my driving, but please do something about the people who are endangering lives on the morning commute my kids give me enough gray hair I don't need any more help!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Delay enroute to Korea

For some reason the youngest is still at Fort Lost in the Woods awaiting transportation to Korea. He was wondering why he is being delayed well here are some reasons 1 & 2 & 3

Basically there is a problem because the Korean wants the Army Base located in Yongsan (Seoul) as the property is worth a lot in a very crowded city. The Farmers do not want to move as that is their lively hood but they are being compensated, how much I have never been able to find out.

My belief is that they are waiting for the problems to calm down befor they ship him over. Or I could be wrong and they are just keeping that group there so they have some exxtra bodies for all the sh!t details. Either way he will be in country by the end of the month.

Update He leaves next Friday the 12th So he will be in Korea 13th or 14th. His 1st couple of days will be a little crazy so don't expect him to call anyone When I hear something I will post.
While we wait here is the US Forces in Korea Web site