The V Day
So who came up with Valentines day anyway and how come the only people that get anything are the women. Actually part of the answer is HERE! I guess this is the reason only women "The St. Valentine the day is named for was, most likely, a priest in the 3rd century who performed secret marriages when the Roman Emperor Claudius II thought single soldiers were more likely to enlist in the army. That St. Valentine was imprisoned and executed on February 4, 270. It is believed he was responsible for giving the jailer's blind daughter back her eyesight, and before his execution, he sent herss a note saying, "From your Valentine." The phrase is still widely used on valentines today." Another site has a closer story: "The roots of St. Valentine's Day lie in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was celebrated on Feb. 15. For 800 years the Romans had dedicated this day to the god Lupercus. On Lupercalia, a young man would draw the name of a young woman in a lottery and would then keep the woman as a sexual companion for the year." It was a relegious holiday but like other holidays it has turned into a commercial love fest. Just a card is never good enough but I can not believe that us men allow ourselves to be hoodwinked into thinking jewelery and flowers and candy are a must along with romantic dinner. I guess I am lucky that my significant other does not get into this and maybe that is why I always get her a little something. Oh well just wanted something to whine about LOL.
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